I can't count the amount of times I have almost given my children whiplash when I have screeched the car to a halt and whooped with joy at the sighting of the first 'baby lambs' of the Spring. I LOVE 'baby lambs' (I know lambs are baby sheep but we have always called them baby lambs since the girls were babies themselves)
Lambs and daffodils.
The first sign of Spring.
Even if the weather is still freezing and there is snow forecast.
I love the feeling of rebirth and growth that comes with Spring. The effervescent green of the new leaves as they begin to sprout on the trees. The beautiful pink and white blossoms that emerge .
And I always look forward to it after a seemingly never ending dark and dank winter.
“Aren’t we lucky to have all of this beautiful countryside on our doorstep!” I often exclaim
- this is usually met with laughter and ridicule by the girls. It has become somewhat of a family joke.
But it’s true.
We ARE lucky.
Within 5 minutes of our house, we are fortunate enough to be in the gorgeous Peak District. Even driving through it on the way to work in the mornings can be enough to lift my soul.
It’s so changeable. There are mornings when we drive over the top of the hill to be met with beautiful clouds hovering below us over the Cheshire plains and the early morning sky painted with a pink and blue hue.
And on the way home , with the sun low in the winter’s sky, we are sometimes treated to a bright orange and pink sky against the silhouette of the bare tree branches and fields.
These moments of joy are important punctuation marks in each day.
It’s easy to overlook them when we are so ‘overrun’ with the stresses and strains of life.
The busyness of it all.
Being on autopilot. The never ending cycle of thoughts and thinking. Wrapped up in a world of ‘to do’s , ‘have done’s and ‘what if’s’
So the challenge is to notice the autopilot and step away from it.
Notice the small moments of joy that are here for us if only we take the time to see them.
For the more we take notice, the more we see. And the more we see, the more joy we can find to lift our souls and find gratitude for being here and now.
#wellbeing #FindSomeJoy #mindfulness #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulliving #gratitude #stressmanagement #mentalhealth #selfcare