You could say that I failed today.
Failed to maintain the calm, controlled state of being that I think works best in my job as a teacher and that works best for me in my life more generally.
Cool, calm and collected is something we all strive for.
But sometimes we feel ourselves unhinged and struggling to just get through the day. Brain fuzzy, mind in overdrive and a feeling of overwhelm that can easily tip us into a place that we know we don’t like.
But we need to remember that this is okay.
And we really should be more kind to ourselves when we notice a storm brewing and feel life beginning to push us around like a small boat in the sea.
I didn’t fail today.
I am human .
Not superhuman .
The fact that I noticed the telltale signs of stress creeping up on me would suggest a growing self awareness nurtured through Mindfulness.
The only thing I failed at was not taking even just three minutes for myself to sit and breathe and calm my fuzzy mind. Three minutes of self-kindness that could have made such a difference to the next hour of my day.
But I am always learning. And having taken this time to reflect, I’m thankful for this lesson.